Decorating. It can seem like a frivolous thing.
It’s really not when you think about it. It’s not about showing off your home to others or trying to one-up the neighbors. It’s about how you’re home makes you feel, and how it makes your family feel. That’s important.
So, today I have a little surprise for you. I’ve been working on something behind the scenes over here. If you’ve been following along with me for any amount of time, you know by now that I am always thinking up ways to decorate on a budget. That is out of necessity, but even if I had an unlimited decorating budget, I wouldn’t overspend on home decor. Plus, I do like the challenge as well. When I can create a DIY chandelier or imitation designer closet doors, for a small fraction of the retail price, it’s a very satisfying feeling!
My goal has always been to share all I’ve learned with you. So I’ve taken all of my decorating and DIY experience and put together an eBook called The Ultimate Guide to Beating the High Cost of Decorating! I use the term eBook lightly, it’s under 20 pages long but I packed each of them with my best cheap decorating ideas.
Such as when and where to find the best deals, how to repurpose and reuse outdated items, and how to think outside the box. It’s full of practical tips and tricks you can use to create a beautiful home without draining your bank account.
I created this as thank you gift for subscribers of my blog. If you’re already a subscriber, you should have gotten this in your inbox last Friday. If you haven’t subscribed yet, you can type in your name and email using the form at the bottom of this post to get placed on the list (your email will never be shared with any third parties!). Once your subscription is confirmed, you will receive an email with a link to the eBook.
By the way, as a subscriber, you will receive my new posts by email, filled with tons of decorating tips and tricks, as well as being the first to know about giveaways.
I am committed to decorating my home on a budget and I want to share with you how you can do the same!
Linking up with BNOTP.
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